Bandung Sea Of Fire

Bandung Sea Of Fire

In 1942, after Japanese soldiers landed in coastal areas of Java, the Dutch retreated from Jakarta to Bandung, but were driven out from there as well and surrendered soon after. After the end of the war, the Dutch, along with winning British army, came back with a vengeance and on March 24, 1946, An ultimatum was given by the British commander in Bandung for the Indonesian combatants in Bandung to leave the city.

        In response, the southern part of Bandung was deliberately burned down in an act of defiance as they left ; an event which came to be known as Bandung Lautan Api

       During the evacuations in March 1946, Mohammad Toha, a member of Indonesian militia, smuggled several sticks of dynamite past Japanese and Dutch troops, and into the Dutch military Headquarters in Dayeuh Kolot. He detonated the dynamite in warehouses of ammunition, killing himself and several Dutch, Japanese troops in the area. The explosion created a small lake ("situ") in Dayeuh Kolot. The main street in the area is called "Mohammad Toha Street".


  1. I've checked your writing in plagiarism checker, and I found at least 2 sites that has the exact text. Please make sure you rearrange some information/phrases into your own word.

    Also please include the infographic timeline.

    If you ever find difficulties, please find/contact me so I can help you.

  2. I see that you only use "reword". Yes you can use reword, but not too much as some word will make your sentence "odd" in English. Please rearrange some phrases and information into your own word.

    If you ever find difficulties, please find/contact me so I can help you.


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